There are too many exercise regimines, routines, sites and plans to even count. The trick is finding what works for you. Not only do we need a plan and routine that we can and are willing to follow, but one that fits our life styles, schedules, budgets and abilities. The idea of exercise for some is enjoyed, or already a part of their life style. For others, it is only a necessary means to an end or what feels like work that we don’t look forward to, but feel we must. Exercise helps us with our weight, our body strength, keeping in shape and the ability to be active as well as the health of our minds. When we feel good, our attitude is good, our outlook is good, and our production levels increase as well as our abilities to succeed and accomplish our goals. Mind, Body and Soul all work together, and exercise is a key element.
Exercise comes in many forms, from biclying or hiking, climbing or running marathons to spending time in the gym or even dancing. Playing sports, working out with equipment, taking dance classes, spinning classes, belly dancing or any number of other activities which make you move and your heart rate eccelerate are all ways to exercise. Even those activities that do not necessarily make you sweat is a good part of your exercise routine. Yoga for example, martial arts or the more mediative side of Kung Fu – Tai Chi is all good to add to your routine. The choices are many, and it’s up to you to choose what fits and makes you feel good (Mind, Body and Soul). During these new times with Covid-19, our schedules for many of us have changed, and so has our work and home life. The first thing I did was to realize the best time of day that fit my new schedule and routine. I wake early in the morning, even before the sun rises. By exercising at this time, the house is quiet and mine; and even if I choose to use the outdoors, the business of life has not woken up yet. I feel more energetic, awake, and moving more freely. Especially with P.O.T.S syndrome, first thing in the morning works best for me. It’s not easy to move, and some pain is typically felt. By stretching and exercising after waking up, I can move easy, some of the pain diminishes and my brain is more alert and ready to focus.
For myself, I start with some stretches so I can begin to move easier, neck, back legs especially. Then some martial arts practice, a little weights, small equipment, stair stepper etc, and a couple extra stretches to finish up. My gym is my living room, and the wii attached to the tv or following a video of an instructor I like. There are so many options, and at my next post I will talk about a few that I believe may interest you. In the meantime, knowing your limitations or by how much you want to push your limits can help to know what equipment and routines you will want to try or to add to.